Problem 425

Use the following to answer questions A-B:


Continent or Region Land Area
(1,000 mi2)
 % of Earth Population1900 Population1950 Population2000
North America   9,400  16.2 106,000,000 221,000,000 305,000,000
South America   6,900 11.9 38,000,000 111,000,000 515,000,000
Europe   3,800 6.6 400,000,000 392,000,000 510,000,000
Asia (includingRussia) 17,400 30.1 932,000,000 1,591,000,000 4,028,000,000
Africa 11,700 20.2 118,000,000 229,000,000 889,000,000
Oceana (includingAustralia)   3,300 5.7 6,000,000 12,000,000 32,000,000
Antarctica   5,400 9.1 Uninhabited
World Total 57,900 1,600,000,000 2,556,000,000 6,279,000,000


A. Use the world population and land area table.

What was the mean population of all inhabited areas except Asia in 2000?

World total=6,279,000,000
Population of Asia=4,028,000,000
So reat population=6,279,000,000-4,028,000,000=2,251,000,000
Number of regian=5

B. Use the world population and land area table.
What was the population of Asia in 1900?




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