Problem 1034

Express the following in interval notation.





To express this set using interval notation, first identify the left endpoint. The left endpoint of the set {x|7≤x<11}  is 7.

Next, identify the right endpoint. The right endpoint of the set{x|7≤x<11} is 11.

Now, identify if a left bracket,[, or a left parenthesis,(, should be used for the left endpoint. A bracket is used if the left endpoint is included in the set. A parenthesis is used if the left endpoint is not included in the interval.

The ≤ sign indicates that the left endpoint is included in the interval so that a left bracket should be used.

Now, identify if a right bracket,], or a right parenthesis,), should be used for the right endpoint. A bracket is used if the right endpoint is included in the interval. A parenthesis is used if the right endpoint is not included in the interval.

The > sing indicates that the right endpoint is not included in the interval so the a right parenthesis should be used.

The set in interval notation is [7,11).


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