Platonic Solids Formulas

Platonic Solids Formulas


Edge: a

Radius of inscribed circle: r

Radius of circumscribed circle: R

Surface area: S

Volume: V


There are five Platonic Solids

The platonic solids are convex polyhedral with equivalent faces composed of congruent convex regular polygons.

Solid Number of Vertices Number of Edges Number of Faces Section
Tetrahedron 4 6 4 3.25
Cube 8 12 6 3.22
Octahedron 6 12 8 3.27
Icosahedron 12 30 20 3.27
Dodecahedron 20 30 12 3.27




1. r = \frac{a\sqrt{6}}{6}
2. R = \frac{a\sqrt{2}}{6}
3. S = 2a^{2}\sqrt{3}
4. V = \frac{ a^{3}\sqrt{2}}{3}






1. r = \frac{a\sqrt{3}(3 + \sqrt{5})}{12}
2. R = \frac{a}{4}\sqrt{2(5+\sqrt{5})}
3. S = 5a^{2}\sqrt{3}
4. V = \frac{5a^{3}(3+\sqrt{5})}{12}





1. r = \frac{a\sqrt{10(25+11\sqrt{5})}}{2}
2. R = \frac{a\sqrt{3}(1+\sqrt{5})}{4}
3. R = 3a^{2}\sqrt{5(5+2\sqrt{5})}
4. V =\frac{ a^{3}(15+7\sqrt{5})}{4}


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