Logarithms formulas

Logarithms formulas

Positive real numbers: x, y, a, c, k

Natural number: n


1. Definition of logarithm

y  =  log _{a} x if and only if x = ay , a > 0 , a ≠ 1.


2. log _{a} 1  =  0


3. log _{a} 1   = 1


4. log _{a} 0 =  \left\{\begin{matrix}  -\infty   & if a > 1\\  +\infty &  if a < 1  \end{matrix}\right.


5. log _{a} (xy) =  log _{a} x + log _{a}y


6. log _{a} (\frac{x}{y}) =  log _{a} x - log _{a}y


7. log _{a}  (x^{n}) =  n log _{a} x


8. log _{a}   (\sqrt[n]{x}) =  \frac{1 }{n}log _{a} x


9. log _{a}x =  \frac{log _{c}x}{log _{c}a }= log _{c}x\cdot  log _{a}c , c > 0 , c \neq  1.

10. \log _{a}c =   \frac{1}{\log _{c}a}


11. x = a^{\log _{a}x}


12. Logarithm to Base 10

log_{10}x = log x


13. Natural Logarithm

log_{e}x = ln x,

Where e = \lim_{k\rightarrow \infty }(1+\frac{1}{k})^{k} = 2.718281828


14. log_{x}=\frac{1}{ln10}lnx = 0.434294 lnx


15. lnx=\frac{1}{log e}log x = 2.302585 logx


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