Solving Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities

Solving Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities


Let k be a positive real number, and p and q be real numbers.


1. To solve │ ax + b│=k, solve the compound equation

ax + b = k or ax + b = –k.

The solution set is usually of the form {p, q}, which includes two





line 1


2. To solve │ ax + b│ > k, solve the compound inequality

ax + b > k or ax  +  b < – k.

The solution set is of the form (-∞, p)  U (q,∞), which consists of

two separate intervals.




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3. To solve │ ax + b│ <  k, solve the three-part inequality

k < ax + b < k.

The solution set is of the form ( p, q), a single interval.


line 3



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