Problem 758

The weight M of an object on the moon varies directly as its weight E on earth. A person who weight 164.4 lb on earth weight 27.4 lb on the moon. How many pounds would a 252-lb person weight on the moon?




Since the weight of an object on the moon M varies directly as its weight E on earth, you can use the form M = kE.

To find the variation constant, substitute 164.4 for E and 27.4 for M, and solve for k.

Substitute 27.4 = k(164.4)

Solve for k.

K = 0.17

The equation of variation is M = 0.17E.

Now , use the equation of variation to find how much the 252-lb person would weight on the moon.

M = (0.17)252 = 42.8

The person would weigh 42.8 lb on the moon.


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