linear, quadratic, or neither.

Determine if f(x) = \farc{3}{x^{2}-7} is linear, quadratic, or neither.




A  linear function can be written in the form f(x) = ax + b. The function f(x) is not currently in this form.

There is no way to rewrite f(x)without having a variable in the denominator.

So \frac{3}{x^{2}-7} cannot be put in the form ax + b.

A quadratic function can be written in the form f(x) = ax^{2} + bx +c.

The function f(x)is not currently in this form.

Since there is no way to rewrite f(x) without having a variable in the denominator, \farc{3}{x^{2}-7} cannot be put in the form \frac{3}{x^{2}-7}.

Therefore, f(x) is neither linear nor quadratic.


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