Find square roots
As we saw 52 = 5 . 5 = 25 , so 5 squared is 25. The opposite of squaring a number is
called taking its square root. For example, a square root of 25 is 5. Another
square root of 25 is -5 since (-5)2 = 25; thus, 25 has two square roots,
5 and 25.
We write the positive or principal square root of a number with the symbol
\sqrt{} , called a radical sign. For example, the positive or principal square
root of 25 is written = 5 . The negative square root of 25 is written
= -5. Since the square of any nonzero real number is positive, the
square root of a negative number, such as , is not a real number.
The symbol is used only for the positive square root, except that
= 0. The symbol –
is used for the negative square root.