Decide whether a number is a solution of a linear

Decide whether a number is a solution of a linear

equation. If the variable in an equation can be replaced by a real number

that makes the statement true, then that number is a solution of the equation.

For example, 8 is a solution of the equation x – 3 = 5, since replacing x

with 8 gives a true statement, 8 – 3 = 5. An equation is solved by finding

its solution set, the set of all solutions. The solution set of the equation

x – 3 = 5 is {8}.


Equivalent equations are equations that have the same solution set. To

solve an equation, we usually start with the given equation and replace it

with a series of simpler equivalent equations. For example,

5x + 2 =17, 5x = 15, and x = 3  Equivalent equations

are all equivalent since each has the solution set {3}.


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