Problem-90 Can someone cross all the bridges shown in this map exactly once and return to the starting point? Solution No
Author: Sir Sagar
Problem-89 Determine whether the given graph has an Euler circuit. Construct such a circuit when one exists. If no Euler circuit exists, determine whether the graph has an Euler path…
Problem-88 Does each of these lists of vertices form a path in the following graph? Which paths are simple? Which are circuits? What are the lengths of those that are…
Problem-87 Which of the following graphs has the given adjacency matrix? Solution
Problem-86 Use an adjacency matrix to represent the given graph. Assume the vertices are listed in alphabetical order. Solution
Problem-85 Use an adjacency list to represent the given graph. Enter the vertices in alphabetical order, separated by commas. Vertex Terminal Vertices a — b — c — d…
Problem-84 Determine the number of vertices and edges and find the in-degree and out-degree of each vertex for the given directed multigraph. v = –,e = –,deg−(a) = –,deg+(a) =…
Problem-83 Find the number of vertices, the number of edges, and the degree of each vertex in the given undirected graph. Identify all isolated and pendant vertices. v = — , e = —…
Problem-82 The intersection graph of a collection of sets A1, A2, . . . , An is the graph that has a vertex for each of these sets and has an…
Problem-81 Determine whether the graph shown has directed or undirected edges, whether it has multiple edges, and whether it has one or more loops. Use your answers to determine the…
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