The Complex Numbers Imaginary and Complex Numbers

The Complex Numbers

 Imaginary and Complex Numbers


Negative numbers do not have square roots in the real-number system. However,

mathematicians have described a larger number system that contains

the real-number system, such that negative numbers have square roots. That

system is called the complex-number system.We begin by defining a number

that is a square root of -1. We call this new number i.


The Complex Number i

We define the number i to be \sqrt{-1}. That is, i = \sqrt{-1} and  i2 = -1.

To express roots of negative numbers in terms of i we can use the fact that in the complex number, \sqrt{-p} = \sqrt{-1.p} = \sqrt{-1} \sqrt{p} when p is a positive real number.


Imaginary Number

An imaginary* number is a number that can be named


where b is some real number and b ≠ o.


To from the system of complex numbers, we take the imaginary numbers and the real numbers and possible sums of real and imaginary numbers. These are complex numbers:

7 – 4i,     i\sqrt{8}.


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