Problem 1155

Write the resulting set using the listing method.

{5,6,7}∩ {2,3}




The intersection of sets A and B, denoted by A ∩ B, is the set of elements in set A that are also in set B. This is stared symbolically below.

A∩B = {x | x ϵ A and xϵ B}

Determine which elements, if any, of {5,6,7} are also elements of {2,3}.

The number 5 is an element if {5,6,7}, but not an element of {2,3}.

The number 6 is an element of {5,6,7}, but not an element of {2,3}.

The number 7 is an element of {5,6,7}, but not an element of {2,3}.

Since the two sets have no elements in common, {5,6,7}∩{2,3} is equal to empty set, denoted { } or ø.


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